Nothing can GOLF wrong
A downloadable game
How to play
Turn with A and D.
Hold Space to charge 'attack', release to hit golfball.
Escape for pause menu.
How does the game fit the theme?
In a game of minigolf, you'd hate to have a bird fly off with your ball, and after following the bird until she lets go of the ball, you realize that you are lost, and have to find your way back to the golf course while racking up points.
What code and assets did you not make from scratch during the jam (if any)?
Character and animations from Mixamo.
Soundeffects from Soundly.
Music from
Assets from:
Assetville Town
POLYGON - Town Pack
Animal variety pack
How many people worked on the game?
Known issues
- Player character spends too long to run to ball after intro.
- Can't use the winscreen menu to exit, so have to open pause menu over it (Which I laught too hard at when I noticed).
- Lack of bakground sounds, very unnerving.
- Bird rotation is just not.
Published | 21 hours ago |
Status | In development |
Author | Anette Rana |
Genre | Sports |
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